Gensler, also a crypto-savvy Washington insider, had an interview with ChainDD in 2018, shedding light on his approach to regulate the budding blockchain industry in the future.
The once-booming Internet-based small-loan sector is singing a swan song after a large number of borrowers were trapped in exploding online debts.
The recent collapse of long-term apartment rental companies was caused by fundamentally flowed business practices: the middleman platform firms offered excessive returns to landlords but lured tenants with a rent lower than market prices.
The hugely popular video-sharing service is scrambling to find a way to head off a ban by the Trump administration and circumvent the Chinese government's technology export restrictions.
Nongfu Spring, a recent darling of capital markets, owed its IPO success to its big market share, high profit margins and steady growth in revenues and profits.
Xi made remarks on various occasions this year to show his strong will to push forward economic globalization
Alibaba-backed Chinese electric car start-up Xpeng Inc. started selling American depository shares on New York Stock Exchange on Thursday, launching the largest IPO ever in the electric car sector against the backdrop of escalating U.S.-China tensions.
As Chinese fintech giant Ant Group applied for a dual IPO in Shanghai and Hong Kong, its operational and financial details were disclosed for the first time. The IPO prospectus filed by the behemoth sheds light on what the company is really about and how it makes quick and big money.